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The #1 Dental Monitoring Provider In Georgia!

May 23rd, 2023

In South Georgia, one Invisalign provider stands above the rest: Dr. Morris. His commitment to providing top-quality dental care is unparalleled in our region. Patients rave about his compassionate and knowledgeable approach, and it's no wonder that he's earned a reputation as one of the best providers in the state.

That's why we are excited to share with you that Dr. Morris was recently named the #1 Dental Monitoring Provider in Georgia!

Dental Monitoring is an additional layer of care we provide to our Invisalign patients that goes home with them and into their everyday lives. We use the Dental Monitoring app to help our patients maintain their aligners and track their progress in real-time. It's simple and easy to use, and in our area, it's only available through Hester and Morris Orthodontics.

Dr. Morris has been using Dental Monitoring to help his patients achieve greater smile success since 2020, when many providers struggled to stay open and could not see their patients. We saw the benefits of Dental Monitoring for our patients and have worked to integrate it into how we treat our Invisalign patients.

Dental Monitoring has been an excellent tool to help keep our patients on track with their Invisalign compliance and to let patients and parents know how they're doing. It does not replace the need for check-ins here in the office, but it has been an enormous help in our efforts to keep our patients from having fewer inconvenient appointments and more successful outcomes.

We are proud to be able to offer Dental Monitoring to our patients. And we're incredibly proud of Dr. Morris for his commitment to his patients and to providing the best orthodontic care possible. We are always looking for ways to improve our patient care and patient outcomes, and we're proud to be able to be the top DM provider in Georgia!

3 Invisalign Benefits That May Surprise You

May 9th, 2023

If you're looking for a way to straighten your teeth without the hassle and appearance of traditional metal braces, Invisalign braces may be the solution you've been searching for.

Teenage boy holding out a black Invisalign Aligner case

Invisalign is a modern solution to teeth alignment that uses clear plastic aligners instead of traditional brackets and wires. These aligners are custom-made to fit your teeth and gradually shift them into place over time. Unlike traditional braces, Invisalign aligners are virtually invisible, so you can go about your daily life without feeling self-conscious. Additionally, they're removable, which means you can eat and drink whatever you like and properly clean your teeth without having to work around brackets and wires. You can read more about life with Invisalign here.

Invisalign has become increasingly popular in recent years, and for a good reason – there are many benefits to choosing this option over traditional braces. At Hester and Morris Orthodontics, we often highlight the fact that you have fewer in-office visits with Invisalign, but did you know that's just the beginning of the benefits, especially for adults? Keep reading to learn about the three surprising benefits of Invisalign.

1. Invisalign Can Cause You To Make Healthier Choices

For some, choosing Invisalign aligners has been a way to make better lifestyle choices. Because you wear the clear aligners at all times, except when you're eating, drinking, or brushing your teeth, patients find that they snack much less than before.

Every time you eat, you must remove the aligners; some get tired of that hassle and skip the snack. And while we encourage our Invisalign patients to brush after every meal, before putting the aligners back in, when eating out, it's just not always possible. With this in mind, patients are much more mindful of their food choices, knowing they'll have to remove the aligners to eat and place them back in after.

Water intake is often increased once a patient begins Invisalign treatment. We see patients who drink more water because they don't want to have to remove the aligners to drink as you would with coffee, tea, or soda.

For many patients, this is a huge benefit! Some of our patients even report losing weight while wearing their aligners, thanks to their healthier eating habits.

2. Invisalign May Mean Fewer Cavities

One common benefit of Invisalign over braces is that there are no brackets or wires, which makes it easier to keep your teeth clean. But even more, it can lead to better dental checkups too!

Because it can be hard to floss and brush around brackets, it's not uncommon for patients to with braces to have the occasional cavity. With Invisalign, because of the ease of home care, patients are less likely to have cavities compared to braces patients.

Additionally, as your teeth move into their new positions, brushing and flossing your teeth at home will become even more accessible. Straighter teeth are easier to take care of! Your dentist will thank you!

3. You Can Whiten Your Teeth With Invisalign

Patients often ask Drs. Hester and Morris if they can whiten their teeth while in the process of straightening them. While we do not recommend whitening your teeth while you're wearing braces, if you have Invisalign, you can whiten your teeth along your journey to a straighter smile.

Patients may choose to use over-the-counter kinds of toothpaste, white strips, bleaching pens, and gels. Many dentists offer in-office whitening treatments to their patients. In our practice, we give a more convenient alternative to our patients by using the Invisalign alignment tray with the Pola Advanced Tooth Whitening System.

This optional treatment uses your existing Invisalign trays to hold the whitening gel, giving you the benefit of a bright smile overnight! This is an excellent option for patients at the point of their treatment when their teeth are beginning to show noticeable movement, making the whitening process more effective. If you're interested in this option, be sure to ask us on your next visit!

Invisalign aligner with it's case

What other benefits does Invisalign have over traditional braces? Share them in the comments below. We can't wait to hear from you!

Making The Switch: From Invisalign to Braces

April 25th, 2023

Blog title graphic that reads, "Making the switch from Invisalign to Braces"

If you're in treatment with Invisalign and wonder if switching to braces would be easier, this post is for you!  Let's talk!

Requests to switch to braces often come from the frustrated parents of a child that is in Invisalign treatment and just not wearing the aligners as they should. Some adult patients ask to switch because they don't think they have what it takes to wear their aligners full-time.

But, we here at Hester & Morris Orthodontics have done our homework and are prepared to help parents and patients decide if switching to braces is right for them.

We're going to answer two questions:

Can I switch to braces?

And Should I switch to braces?

Orthodontic treatment, whether Invisalign or braces, requires new habits and some specific lifestyle changes from our patients. 

Mostly, these new habits and lifestyle changes are not disruptive to normal everyday life.  It's a lot like making new choices to support a healthier body.  You add in the new habits to create the new you!

Can I switch to braces?

Yes.  The most significant requirement that must be met before switching to braces is to have excellent oral hygiene. 

You have to brush at least twice a day every single day if you're in braces. 

The second requirement is to commit to avoiding certain foods (like popcorn, nuts, hard taco shells, potato chips, and gum).  These types of foods will bend and break wires and braces.

Should I switch to braces?

Well...There are a few things we think you need to consider before switching.

If you switch, you'll be adding more months that you'll be in treatment. 

Braces can add up to 1 year of treatment time.  That also means there will be twice as many in-office visits to come to.  So consider how busy you are and when you'd like to be done with treatment before you switch.

Will you be able to tolerate braces?  Braces can often cause check and gum irritation, mouth sores, difficulty biting all the way down, and very sore teeth for days after wires are changed.

One of my favorite adult patients who switched from Invisalign to braces (she was going through a major life event and couldn't stay consistent with wearing her aligners) called me a few weeks ago, asking me to please let her go back to Invisalign.

She told me that after two months of being unable to bite down all the way when she's eating and having constant mouth sores, she couldn't do it anymore.

She was so honest with me about how difficult it was to create the habit of wearing Invisalign aligners all day and night and that she got annoyed with trying to remember to put them back in after meals, but now that she had the comparison of wearing braces, aligners were a better choice for her.

For her, the adjustments she needed to make for Invisalign treatment were way more tolerable than the adjustments she had to make for braces. 

So really consider your level of tolerance for being uncomfortable.

There are going to be minor little adjustments needed for any orthodontic treatment.  We are here to assist you in your most successful journey, whether that be with Invisalign or braces. 

If you have questions, we are here for you! Call our Valdosta, GA office at 229-245-1800 or email us here. You can also contact us via web chat or through your Dental Monitoring App.

The bottom line is that the Hester & Morris team wants to see you live life smiling!

Can I eat fast food with braces?

April 11th, 2023

Do you or your teen have braces and find it challenging to enjoy fast food delicacies? Fear not! This blog post will explore creative ways to savor your favorite fast-food treats without compromising your orthodontic progress. Join us as we navigate the world of braces-friendly fast food indulgence, ensuring both parents and teens can enjoy their meals without worry.

photo of picnic table showing a model of braces with fast food bags in the background

Oh, the dilemma of having braces and craving your favorite fast food! Fast food has become so essential to our culture that it's hard to avoid. Plus, it's a quick and easy meal option for busy individuals. However, having braces can make indulging in fast food tricky, and it may even seem impossible at times. The good news is that many braces-friendly fast food options won't damage your orthodontic progress. It all depends on making the best choice available to you at the time.

Let's dive in and make braces life a little more delicious!

We're breaking down three of the most popular fast food types and sharing braces-friendly fast food options for each.

model of braces biting into pizza

1. Pizza

It's not just Michelangelo; most Americans love pizza! In fact, 73% of adults* consume pizza at least once a month. So, with it being such a favorite food, is it something you can enjoy while wearing braces?

Happily, the answer is yes! While patients must be careful anytime they are directly biting into a food item, pizza is considered a braces-safe food.

But watch out for extra thick dough varieties that can get stuck in braces and can bend wires, and we do not recommend eating the end crusts of any type of pizza. Pizza crusts are too hard for braces, and biting down on them can cause breakage and extended treatment times.

model of braces eating a taco

2. Tacos

Not all tacos are bad for braces! While they are a common item to avoid when eating hard, crunchy shells or tortilla chips, choosing flour tortillas for soft tacos is a great option. They are soft and flexible and don't require much care like the more rigid shells. So indulge your next late-night taco craving with a soft flour tortilla, quesadilla, or burrito!

Cinnamon twists should also be traded in for the very popular cinnamon roll bites at your favorite fast-food Mexican joint.

3. Chicken

Nuggets, tenders, strips, or on the bone, Chicken is a very popular fast food choice for many families with kids.

Biting directly into chicken on the bone is not recommended because the harder bones are likely to bend the wires of braces. The same goes for wings. In these instances, we encourage our patients to cut the chicken into small pieces before eating.

Nuggets and tenders are also excellent options for people craving chicken! Smaller in size and boneless, they are considered braces-friendly food. While we should always be cautious of the amount of breading on the chicken and ensure it is not too thick or hard to bite into, chicken is an excellent choice for those who are eating fast food while having braces.

What about you?

Where is your favorite place to eat fast food while wearing braces? Do you have a favorite nugget place? Be sure to share with us in the comments below! If you ever have questions about foods to avoid with braces, you can always check out our previous blog post on the topic or call our Valdosta, GA office at (229) 245-1800. We're here to help you live life smiling!

* https://bjtonline.com/business-jet-news/4-facts-about-us-pizza-consumption

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