DDS Hester & Morris Orthodontics

The Power of a Smile: 5 Benefits You Might Not Know

June 25th, 2024

Smiling is a universal expression of happiness and a simple yet powerful gesture that can have a profound impact on your well-being and the world around you. While it might seem like a small act, the benefits of smiling extend far beyond just brightening up your face. Here are five compelling reasons to smile more often:

Boosts Mood and Reduces Stress: When you smile, your brain releases neurotransmitters like dopamine, endorphins, and serotonin, which are known as the "feel-good" chemicals. These natural mood enhancers can lead to a reduction in stress levels and an overall sense of well-being. Even a forced smile can trick your brain into feeling happier, proving that the simple act of smiling can be a powerful tool in managing stress. So the next time you’re having a bad morning, try a ten-second smile break!

Enhances Social Connections: Smiling is contagious. When you smile at someone, they are likely to smile back, creating a positive feedback loop that can strengthen social bonds. A genuine smile can make you appear more approachable, trustworthy, and friendly, fostering better relationships in both personal and professional settings. This can lead to increased social interactions and a more fulfilling social life.

Improves Physical Health: Believe it or not, smiling can have tangible benefits for your physical health. The act of smiling can lower your heart rate and blood pressure, promoting cardiovascular health. Moreover, the endorphins released when you smile act as natural painkillers, providing a form of pain relief. Regular smiling can also boost your immune system, making you more resilient to illnesses.

Increases Longevity: Studies have shown that individuals who smile more often tend to live longer. This could be due to the combined effects of reduced stress, improved mood, and better physical health. A positive outlook on life, often accompanied by frequent smiling, can contribute to a healthier lifestyle and greater longevity.

Enhances Productivity and Creativity: A positive emotional state, often triggered by smiling, can enhance cognitive functions such as problem-solving, decision-making, and creativity. When you're in a good mood, you're more likely to think outside the box and come up with innovative solutions. This can lead to increased productivity and a more enjoyable work environment.

In conclusion, smiling is much more than just a facial expression. It's a powerful gesture that can improve your mood, health, social connections, and even your lifespan. So the next time you feel down or stressed, try flashing a smile—it's a small act that can yield big rewards.

Are you not feeling as confident about your smile? We’re here to help! With over 35 years of experience, Hester and Morris Orthodontics have been creating smiles and confidence using braces and Invisalign. Let our team help you Live Life Smiling!

3 Smile Quotes to Brighten Your Day

April 2nd, 2024

Smiling is a universal sign of happiness and can profoundly impact our mood and those of others around us.

Here are three smile quotes to remind us of the joy and love that comes with every smile:

"A smile is a curve that sets everything straight." – Phyllis Diller

"Life is like a mirror. Smile at it and it smiles back at you." – Peace Pilgrim

"Use your smile to change the world; don't let the world change your smile." – Chinese Proverb

These quotes emphasize the importance of smiling not just as a way to express happiness but also as a means to positively influence our environment and persevere through life's challenges. A smile can really change your outlook on the worst day... Try it!

And share these quotes today with someone who may need a smile!

Why Your Super-Busy Teen Might Just Love Invisalign

January 23rd, 2024

Hey there, parents of teens!

We know you're always looking out for your kiddos, including their pearly whites. Their dentist has recommended orthodontic treatment. What should you do next?

Now, traditional braces have been doing their thing for ages, but let's be honest, they can be a bit of a drag - ouchie adjustments, food getting stuck, and all that jazz. Braces are great, but it can be a lot.

Given the hectic schedules of teenagers juggling sports, music, part-time jobs, and let's not forget, academics… There's simply no time for that!

Got a teen that's always going from one activity to the next? Enter Invisalign.

Here’s why Invisalign might just be what you're looking for:

  1. Easy-Peasy

Invisalign aligners are custom-made for fitting over your teen's teeth. They pop right off when it's time to eat or drink. That means no awkward lettuce-in-braces moments in the cafeteria or during a post-game snack. It’s a win-win for your busy bee!

  1. No-Fuss Fix

With traditional braces, you're looking at regular pit stops at the orthodontist for adjustments, not to mention those "brace-mergencies" when something breaks. But with Invisalign, your teen gets a bunch of aligners that they will learn to swap out every week. That means fewer detours to the orthodontist, saving you and your teen loads of time.

  1. They're Totally Chill

Let's be real, teens can be a little image-conscious (okay, a lot). Old-school braces can be a bit of a spotlight. But Invisalign? They're clear and super low-key, so your teen can keep flashing their fantastic smile without feeling self-conscious.

So, there you have it. If your teen's schedule is jam-packed and you're considering braces, Invisalign could be the ultimate way to go. It's a good idea to consult with your orthodontist to plan your teen's teeth treatment.

The Hester & Morris Team is South GA's #1 Provider of Invisalign. We have been the experts in creating beautiful smiles for over 35 years. The first visit with us is complementary and we can go over the best treatment recommendations for your busy teen!

With fewer visits and remote care through Dental Monitoring, we are all about straight teeth, confident smiles, and your convenience!

Click the link to request an appointment. Learn more about Invisalign from this blog post.

Live Life Smiling!

Why Your Smile Matters: Understanding the Importance

January 9th, 2024

Pretty girl with beautiful confident smile.

Ever thought about the power of a radiant smile?

It's more than just a curve that sets everything straight. A dazzling smile can do wonders for your health and life in more ways than one.

In this new year, you can decide to improve your smile and Hester & Morris Orthodontics is here to help! We're big believers in the importance of beautiful, healthy smiles. The confidence displayed by patients during Invisalign or braces treatment is inspiring.

Here are 12 compelling reasons why investing in a beautiful smile is worth it:

  1. The Confidence Booster: Picture this: You're about to step into a new challenge, and you're armed with a stunning smile. That's an instant confidence booster right there, prepping you to take on the world!
  2. The Attraction Magnet: Who can resist a charming smile? It's a surefire way to make you irresistible, amplifying your magnetism in both social and professional arenas.
  3. The Mood Lifter: Did you know? Smiling triggers a rush of feel-good endorphins, instantly lifting your mood and zapping stress away.
  4. The Communication Enhancer: A beaming smile is like a universal language of friendliness. It breaks barriers, making it more straightforward to connect and communicate with others.
  5. The Success Symbol: A radiant smile is often seen as a sign of success and achievement. It's like wearing your accomplishments on your face, making you all the more appealing to potential employers or clients.
  6. The Oral Health Champion: Striving for a beautiful smile means taking good care of your teeth and gums. That's a direct ticket to improved oral health and fewer dental issues in the future.
  7. The Longevity Booster: Believe it or not, research suggests people who smile more often tend to live longer. So, flash that beautiful smile and add years to your life!
  8. The Immunity Fortifier: Here's a fun fact: Smiling can boost your immune system by ramping up the production of antibodies and white blood cells.
  9. The Natural Painkiller: Thanks to the endorphins released while smiling, it can act as a natural painkiller, easing pain and discomfort.
  10. The Brain Booster: Smiling doesn't just make us feel good; it can also sharpen our minds and improve our brain function.
  11. The Positive Energy Attractor: A radiant smile is a magnet for positive vibes. It can help you manifest your goals and desires by attracting the right energy.
  12. The Relationship Builder: A beautiful smile can work wonders in improving your relationships. It's a universal symbol of warmth and affection, strengthening bonds with loved ones.

In a nutshell, a beautiful smile is a powerful tool with countless benefits. Investing in your oral health earns you a stunning smile and opens up a world of benefits that might surprise you.

Going to the dentist ensures that your smile stays healthy! Our orthodontic team can help you improve the way your teeth and jaws fit together, giving you that beautiful smile you've always wanted.

Let 2024 be the year you get your confidence back! Reach out to us here to start your smile journey!

When should my child visit the orthodontist?

October 18th, 2023

We are often asked, 'At what age should I bring my child in to be evaluated for braces?". We treat all ages: children, teens, and adults. But some indicators might help you decide whether your child is ready to visit our office.

The American Association of Orthodontists (AAO) recommends that children should be going to see an orthodontist around age 7.

Why is it important for kids to visit the Orthodontist at Age 7? At this age, Drs. Hester and Morris can conduct a thorough orthodontic evaluation, identify potential dental issues that may arise, and recommend appropriate solutions.

Because there is a mix of primary and permanent teeth in a child's mouth at this stage, the orthodontist can determine if there is or will be a need for early treatment. Early treatment may be recommended to avoid more invasive treatments in the future.

Even if early treatment is not indicated, the orthodontist can monitor the child to give you an estimation of when it will be time for braces or Invisalign. At Hester and Morris Orthodontics, we have a six-month check-up plan that continues to monitor your child's growth and development. These visits allow us to assess your child's bite and eruption patterns and determine the best time to begin treatment. This is done at no cost to the patient.

If you have questions about your child's development or if your child is having social concerns at school over their smile, please don't hesitate to call us. We are always here to help!

So what should parents look for in their child's smile? Here are a few common concerns that we see in our office:

1. Early or late loss of their baby teeth.

2. Mouth breathing.

3. Speech impediments due to teeth placement or jaw alignment.

4. Protruding upper front teeth that could risk injury to the child.

5. Difficulty chewing or biting. Including cheek biting.

6. Jaw clicking, popping, or pain.

7. Oral habits such as tongue thrusting or finger/thumb sucking.

8. Social concerns for the child include teasing or embarrassment due to their smile.

Patients do not require a dental referral to see an orthodontist.

However, with younger patients, your child's dentist is a great resource to help determine if a visit to the orthodontist is necessary.

There is no cost for our consultation appointments. We do everything at our office at your child's first visit to determine if your child is a candidate for treatment. We take X-ray panoramic images, photographs, and digital scans of their teeth and do a comprehensive exam. Parents are always invited to join us for the appointment; we encourage it!

After gathering all the information, the doctor will sit down with you to discuss the findings. If treatment is recommended, we will discuss the plan, financial options, and any treatment concerns you may have.

We treat younger patients with braces and Invisalign First at Hester and Morris Orthodontics. Treating your child with space maintainers or expanders may also be possible. The doctor will discuss all treatment options with you and your child.

If your child is not quite ready for treatment, we will give you an idea of what to expect when they are ready and will continue to monitor their growth and development. Having your child come to see us and become comfortable in our office is helpful.

Thank you for considering Hester and Morris Orthodontics for your child's smile needs! For more information on orthodontic treatment, please check out our website.

The First Week Of Braces

September 6th, 2023

Getting orthodontic braces can be both an exciting and nerve-wracking time! There are a lot of questions that come up as you prepare to begin your smile journey.

But no worries... The Hester & Morris Team is here to help you navigate the process of getting braces!

We have compiled a list of tips to help you prepare for your first day of braces and what to expect that first week of treatment.

1. Ask a lot of questions.

The first visit in our practice is with one of our Treatment Coordinators, and it is their job to make sure you are as comfortable and knowledgeable with your treatment plan as possible.

They will take a lot of time to explain the process, answer any questions you may have, and also make sure you clearly understand what to expect as you go through braces. But you must ask questions too!

You may be thinking of something the Treatment Coordinator may not have thought of to cover, so don't hesitate to ask.

Same for when you are getting your braces- the staff at Hester & Morris is here to help you get the most out of your orthodontic treatment! We want you to feel comfortable and confident with us to ask questions and understand what's going on.

We'll also send you home with instructions and a list of foods to avoid. Following those instructions closely is important to get the most out of your orthodontic treatment.

2. Take a pre-braces selfie!

Braces will change your smile, so why not document this amazing moment with a photo before the braces are on? We want you to take a selfie of yourself with your new smile, too, with the braces!

Not only will you want to remember this moment, but it is also a great way of tracking your progress as your teeth move. We can't wait to see your smile!

3. You may want to bring chapstick!

Getting braces on is pretty quick, but it can be uncomfortable as they need to stretch your mouth and cheeks a bit. All that extra air can chap your lips and cause dryness.

Your lips may be slightly dry as they adjust in the following days. If you don't have chapstick on hand, we'll gladly provide you with some.

4. You're most likely going to be sore!

It varies for most people, but braces can be uncomfortable for a few days after they are on. It's important to remember that braces are moving your teeth, and that's a good thing!

Your mouth will get used to them in a few days, but you may want to take it easy at first. Stick to eating soft foods to keep your mouth comfortable, and avoid foods that need a lot of chewing.

You can also take an over-the-counter pain reliever if you need it.

5. You're gonna need wax!

As your lips and the insides of your cheeks get used to the feel of your new braces, your mouth will likely have sore spots. This is where the wax comes in!

You can apply some wax to your braces to ease the discomfort. We have wax that we will give you, and most stores carry wax in the dental care aisle.

If you have mouth sores, we also recommend swishing with warm salt water to help promote healing.

Overall, the first week of braces can be an adjustment period, but it's important to remember that it's temporary. Your mouth will adapt to the braces, and discomfort will lessen over time.

Just be patient, follow the guidelines provided by your orthodontist, and soon you'll be on your way to a beautiful, straight smile!

If you have any questions about your treatment, our team is here to help! Call us at (229)245-1800 or send us a message through the chat!

3 Reasons Why We Love Invisalign!

August 8th, 2023

Orthodontic treatments have come a long way in recent years, with several options available to patients who want to improve their smiles. Both options are effective and have advantages, and at Hester and Morris Orthodontics, we can help you decide which is best for your individual needs.

However, in a few key areas, Invisalign sets itself apart from traditional braces because of the benefits they provide.

Here are 3 things we love about Invisalign.

1. The look of Invisalign.

For one thing, Invisalign aligners are clear, making them virtually invisible and allowing patients to straighten their teeth without feeling self-conscious.

Not everyone wants to be seen in braces, so this is an excellent option for them. Many young adults are also choosing Invisalign due to their professional appearance.

They can straighten their teeth without the stigma of metal braces.

Teenagers also choose Invisalign because they like the look of a more natural smile.

For numerous teenagers involved in cheerleading, modeling, or pageants, possessing a stunning smile is a significant aspect of their self-assurance and individuality.

And with proms and homecomings quickly approaching, there are many photo opportunities in which braces might be seen. But not with Invisalign.

2. The dental benefits of Invisalign.

Another thing we love is that Invisalign aligners can be removed for cleaning, making them a more convenient option for many patients.

Patients with braces must adhere to a specific brushing routine to ensure that their teeth and gums remain healthy.

Even with brushing and flossing, some patients with braces can still have issues with decalcifications and cavities. The brackets and wires can make it difficult to get to certain areas of the mouth. Often patients with braces must go to the dentist more frequently to have their teeth cleaned and cavities treated.

The benefit of Invisalign is that patients can take them out for brushing and flossing because they are removable. This is a big advantage over traditional braces.

The dental hygienist also usually likes to see patients with Invisalign for the same reasons. Maintaining a clean mouth with Invisalign is easier, so there is a better chance for fewer cavities!

3. The eating is better with Invisalign.

Unlike traditional braces, Invisalign aligners allow patients to enjoy their favorite foods without limitations or restrictions.

This is because the aligners can be removed before meals and put back in once the meal is finished.

For patients with braces, sticky, hard, or chewy foods are off-limits during treatment.

With Invisalign, there are no such restrictions, which can make the treatment process much less restrictive and more enjoyable.

And with Invisalign, there are no wires or brackets to pop off because of the patient's food choices. So bring on all of the Takis, the Skittles, and the chicken wings!

These are just three reasons why we love Invisalign at our office. If you would like to learn more, or if you would like to schedule a consultation, don't hesitate to get in touch with our office today.

We'd love to help you get started with Invisalign!

The #1 Dental Monitoring Provider In Georgia!

May 23rd, 2023

In South Georgia, one Invisalign provider stands above the rest: Dr. Morris. His commitment to providing top-quality dental care is unparalleled in our region. Patients rave about his compassionate and knowledgeable approach, and it's no wonder that he's earned a reputation as one of the best providers in the state.

That's why we are excited to share with you that Dr. Morris was recently named the #1 Dental Monitoring Provider in Georgia!

Dental Monitoring is an additional layer of care we provide to our Invisalign patients that goes home with them and into their everyday lives. We use the Dental Monitoring app to help our patients maintain their aligners and track their progress in real-time. It's simple and easy to use, and in our area, it's only available through Hester and Morris Orthodontics.

Dr. Morris has been using Dental Monitoring to help his patients achieve greater smile success since 2020, when many providers struggled to stay open and could not see their patients. We saw the benefits of Dental Monitoring for our patients and have worked to integrate it into how we treat our Invisalign patients.

Dental Monitoring has been an excellent tool to help keep our patients on track with their Invisalign compliance and to let patients and parents know how they're doing. It does not replace the need for check-ins here in the office, but it has been an enormous help in our efforts to keep our patients from having fewer inconvenient appointments and more successful outcomes.

We are proud to be able to offer Dental Monitoring to our patients. And we're incredibly proud of Dr. Morris for his commitment to his patients and to providing the best orthodontic care possible. We are always looking for ways to improve our patient care and patient outcomes, and we're proud to be able to be the top DM provider in Georgia!

What To Expect At Your First Orthodontic Visit

January 26th, 2023

You did it! You’ve made an appointment for yourself or for your child at Hester Morris Orthodontics. This will be your very first visit. The complementary consultation is a very important appointment for you and for us, our new potential patient; you may be wondering what to expect when you come into our office for the very first time. So here are some things you need to know, along with the highlights of that first visit.

1. Health history forms.

Just like a visit to any healthcare office, all new patients are asked to complete a health history form. This can be done in the office on your first visit or even can be done online before your appointment. These forms ask for general information about our new patient and any medical information about visits to our office. We must have all the necessary information so our team can provide the best orthodontic treatment for you or your child. When you arrive for your first visit, our friendly staff will be ready to greet you and give you a tour of our office. We want to ensure that you know who we are and what we can do for you; you can even ask any questions before we start the examination. During your first visit, we can discuss the various treatment options, costs, and insurance coverage. We pride ourselves on providing orthodontic services tailored to each patient's individual needs.

2. Nice to meet you!

Our fantastic front desk team greets every patient who comes through the doors of Hester Morris Orthodontics. No need to feel awkward about being new. Just let our friendly scheduling coordinators know who you are, and they’ll be glad to show you how to sign in for your appointment. They’ll most likely be on the lookout for you and welcome you into the office by your name when you arrive! Once you have let the front desk know that you’re here, they’ll invite you to have a seat in our lobby. Feel free to take advantage of the complementary coffee, cookies, and Wi-Fi, but we promise you won’t be waiting for long!

3. You’ll get x-rays.

Your consultation appointment for braces or Invisalign begins with dental x-rays of your teeth and jaw alignment. These are at no cost to you and are so very helpful for us to see not just what’s going on on the outside but to be able to see the roots of your teeth that you cannot see. Our treatment coordinator assistant will also photograph your teeth with a camera. They will take pictures of your teeth from all angles. This gives us a close-up look for us to discuss your smile concerns and will be useful to the doctor for recommending treatment.

4. Digital scans.

Years ago, patients had to endure messy goopy impressions to get a good placement of how their teeth look, but thanks to our iTero digital scanners, the process has been made quick and easy, with no mess at all! The scanner will quickly take images of your teeth and can even project before and after simulations of your smile. Pretty cool!

5. You’ll meet with a treatment coordinator.

Once all of your records have been taken, you will sit down and review the findings with one of our treatment coordinators. These ladies are here to answer all of your questions about braces or Invisalign and can explain the process to you in detail. They assist the doctor with note-taking his recommendations for improving your smile and will make sure you understand the plan of action!

6. You’ll meet our doctors.

Usually, at this point in the consultation appointment, one of our doctors will come in to meet with you and review all of his findings. We have two doctors in our practice, Dr. Hester and Dr. Morris. They will briefly examine your teeth and bite and recommend how to straighten your teeth best, align your jaw, and give you the beautiful smile you want. If the doctor recommends Invisalign, they will specify the specific details of the number of stages of aligners you will need and give an overview of how the process works. If the orthodontist recommends braces, they will explain how the process moves your teeth and give you a treatment time estimate for having to wear them. Meeting an orthodontist and having a personalized, detailed treatment plan laid out for you is something that only happens inside the orthodontic office. This is a step that is skipped by direct-to-consumer products. You can be assured that your smile’s individual needs will be addressed at Hester Morris Orthodontics.

7. Presentation of fees for braces or Invisalign.

Once your treatment plan has been laid out, discussed, and confirmed by the doctor, our treatment coordinator gets back to work working with you on the payment arrangements. Fees are presented based on whether the doctor recommends Invisalign or braces, the length of that treatment, and the complexity of the recommended treatment. In our practice, we do not require the entire treatment fee to be paid upfront. Instead, most people choose to make monthly payments. We do offer discounts for our military and our teachers. Visit our financial page for more information about how payments work. Choosing to get braces or Invisalign is a big decision and a great investment, but we believe the end result is worth it!

8. The choice is yours.

Once you’ve had all your questions answered, have met the doctor, received your treatment plan, and know the cost involved, you have all the information you need to make the best decision for you and your smile. Patients can start their treatment on the same day as their consultation. Still, there is never any pressure for you to do so. Sometimes, patients will choose to go home to talk about it with a family member or make financial arrangements, which is OK. When you’re ready to start the journey to see your beautiful smile, you call us, and we’ll schedule you to get started.

Our office is a warm and welcoming place, and our team will make you feel like part of the family from the moment you step in. Every patient gets a tour of our office with a staff member and learns more about our treatments and specialties. Our team can answer any questions you may have, so don't be afraid to ask. What other questions do you have about beginning treatment and Invisalign or braces? Be sure to leave them in the comments. Are you interested in setting up your first complimentary consultation appointment with us? Click here or call—our office at 229-245-1800.

New year, New smile: 3 Reasons to consider orthodontics in 2023

January 11th, 2023

orthodontic team smiles for the camera

It’s the start of another year!


A new year is a beautiful time to change your life or start something new that you’ve been putting off.


You may, like many people, be considering goals and resolutions for the new year. For some, this can include changes in their smile, and they look to their local dentist or orthodontist in Valdosta to help give them a smile they’ve always wanted.


The new year is a great time to start the journey to a new and improved smile!


Here are three reasons why we think starting orthodontics in the new year is a great way to improve your smile:


  1. Improving your smile is a surefire way to boost your confidence!


It’s a fact that many Americans feel self-conscious about their smiles. What you think about your smile and teeth can affect your overall self-confidence.


But you can let go of those inhibitions and boost your confidence when you begin orthodontic treatment. Invisalign or dental braces are both options that work to align your teeth, creating a more even, pleasing-looking smile; we believe when you feel good about yourself, it reflects in how you present yourself. 


This is the greatest goal for us as orthodontists! We love to see your confidence rise and your smile become the beautiful result you always wanted.


  1. Starting in the new year gives you an easy timetable to follow for your braces or Invisalign treatment.


It just makes sense to start treatment at the beginning of the new year.


Not only are most people more energized at the beginning of a new year to start on their goals and resolutions, but it can also be an easy way to determine how long your treatment time could take.


Average orthodontic treatment in our Valdosta. Georgia office is 12 months to 24 months. Every patient is different. Dr. Hester and Dr. Morris create a personalized treatment plan for you based on your unique needs and smile goals. This determines your overall treatment time.


Beginning your smile journey at the start of a new calendar year can often help you better idealize when you might complete your treatment, as well as help you remember when you started treatment.


  1. The sooner you begin, the closer you are to the smile you’ve always wanted! 


Now is always the best time to begin orthodontic treatment, and at the start of a new year, why would you want to procrastinate or put it off?


 Many people are looking at their budgets and planning financially for the year in January, so go ahead and include planning for braces or your Invisalign treatment.


At Hester Morris Orthodontics, our treatment coordinating team works with each and every patient to help them achieve their smile goals by offering flexible payment options that can fit almost every budget.


Additionally, the initial consult is always at no cost to you. This is because we believe it’s essential for every patient to get the complete picture of how their smile could be improved with braces or Invisalign, and this information will help you make the best decision for your smile!


By planning to start now, you are practicing good self-care instead of putting yourself on the back burner!


Are you looking to start braces or Invisalign in 2023? You can make an appointment in our Valdosta, Georgia office by clicking on the link here or calling us at 229-245-1800.


Happy new year! May this coming year bring you fulfillment and be full of smiles!

Getting Braces as an Adult

December 27th, 2022

Getting Braces As An Adult???

Braces for adults. For many, those two things don’t seem to go together. Maybe you had braces as a teenager and forgot to wear your retainer, causing your teeth to shift. Even if you’ve never had orthodontic treatment, many adults realize they can benefit from it.

Read on if you’re thinking about getting braces or possibly Invisalign is right for you.

  1. You’re not too old for braces or Invisalign.

Let us assure you that having Invisalign or braces is not just kid stuff! In fact, at Hester & Morris Orthodontics, we even have patients that are in their 70s.

In fact, as we age, our teeth tend to shift, and one of the biggest reasons we see adults in our practice is not necessarily for straight teeth but more often due to the change in how their teeth fit together. When your bite is not right, this can cause headaches and TMJ symptoms. We may not be able to relieve your stress from a hectic job, but aligning your teeth can surely relieve some of the stress you put on your teeth and jaws.

  1. Treatment for adults is not as long as you might think!

More than ever, our treatment options offer ease of wear and the convenience of low treatment times. Over the years of increased technology, orthodontists have learned how to shift the teeth faster with significantly less discomfort. And because of additions like our iTero digital scanner, doctors Hester and Morris can treatment plan your smile from every angle. The results of this mean you spend less time in braces or Invisalign.

  1. Adult braces don’t necessarily mean braces.

We have multiple treatment options at Hester Morris Orthodontics, including those for our adults. In addition to regular metal braces, we offer ceramic braces for a more disguised look and offer Invisalign treatment. Invisalign is a great option because it moves your teeth like traditional braces however, because they involve a series of clear removable plastic aligners, they go very well with a busy adult lifestyle.

  1. You won’t spend all your time in an orthodontist's chair.

Long gone are the days when patients came once a month to see the orthodontist and have their braces tightened. With our advanced treatment methods and the latest technology, we can give you a great smile more quickly and comfortably. You’ll have fewer appointments with us; we even offer virtual options to help along the Invisalign process.

  1. Having orthodontic treatment as an adult doesn't have to mean being extremely expensive.

The Hester and Morris team strives to make orthodontic treatment affordable for our patients. We accept dental insurance, which can greatly reduce your cost out-of-pocket. Many dental plans will cover orthodontics for adults. In addition to insurance, we offer in-house financing that can be flexible to help fill your monthly budgetary needs. We will happily review this information with you at your initial complimentary consultation with our office.

If you’re considering a small makeover or just a tuneup with Invisalign or braces, give us a call or email us to schedule a free consultation. Dr. Hester and Dr. Morris look forward to helping you decide which treatment option is right for you.


Why Invisalign makes a great Christmas gift!

December 13th, 2022

December is here, the lights are on the tree, and the gifts are underneath it. If you’re looking for the right thing for your child or teenager, may we share with you why Invisalign makes the ultimate Christmas gift!

They probably already want them!

Unlike the case years ago, braces and Invisalign are very popular amongst teenagers today. We have people who come into our office because their child wants braces or Invisalign treatment. Teenagers see their friends with Invisalign, and they see how easy and convenient it is, making them more self-aware of their smile. The benefits of an improved smile, thanks to Invisalign and Hester Morris Orthodontics, will last long after that latest video game or must-have sneakers are out of fashion.

They probably already need them!

It’s just a fact. Most people need orthodontic treatment due to misaligned teeth and jaws. And since many orthodontic patients tend to be in middle and early high school, your teen will likely need orthodontic treatment, so why not include that as an awesome Christmas gift? 

It helps your child realize the investment you’re making in their smile! 

As much as we love them, sometimes our kids can forget that things just don’t magically appear, but instead, they require hard work and investment. When you give Invisalign or braces as a gift, instead of an expectation, they may have more appreciation for it and therefore take better care of their smile along the way. Plus, you get to be creative and how to tell your child, who really really wants Invisalign, that they’re going to get to come in and be seen by our doctors and team to start the small journey they’ve always wanted!

So give yourself a little credit, mom, and dad! Yes, the cost of Invisalign treatment and braces can be an investment on your part, but if you count it in at Christmas, we think it makes a great gift! The ultimate gift!

If you're interested in scheduling your surprise gift appointment for your loved one, request it here!


5 Tips for Not Losing Your Retainer

November 22nd, 2022

5 Tips for Not Losing Your Retainer

Retainers are what you receive at the end of your treatment with braces or Invisalign. Think of them as extra insurance that keeps your smile straight and looking beautiful!

Unfortunately, keeping up with your retainer tends to be an issue with many of our patients. Here are some tips on how not to lose your retainer:


  1. Start with good habits. Wear your retainer every night! if you’re already in the habit of wearing it consistently, you will be much less likely not to know where your retainer is.


  1. Only keep your retainer in your case or your mouth. Never lay it on a bedside table or the bathroom counter because it’s very likely to be overlooked and accidentally thrown away or lost.


  1. If you have a dog, keep your retainer case out of reach! It is proven that dogs are attracted to retainers, and the old excuse of my dog eating my retainer happens. Reduce their temptation by keeping your retainer case and its contents out of reach of your favorite fluffy friend.


  1. If you travel, use a backup case! Sometimes when patients travel or live in multiple residences having a backup retainer case is very helpful. That way, it can never be forgotten or lost, tempting you to wrap your retainer in a napkin or leave it on the bedside table.


  1. Routine, routine, routine! There is no better way to stay consistent with habits than having a routine. This is so true even when it comes to your nightly home care, including wearing your retainer! Set a timer nightly of when you want to put your retainer in to help you remember until it is automatic.


Do you have any tips for wearing your retainer consistently!? Let us know in the comments!

What is National Orthodontic Health Month?

October 11th, 2022

October is national orthodontic health month! It’s a special time of year when we spend more time educating our patients and the community about the wonderful benefits of a beautiful smile, straight teeth, and perfectly aligned jaws. 

The benefits of orthodontics are not just cosmetic. Straight teeth are much easier to clean and floss, resulting in fewer cavities and healthy gums. Jaw issues can be corrected or even prevented by orthodontic care. And as we age, our teeth tend to shift, so proper alignment of your teeth can help prevent enamel wear over time.

The idea of having well-aligned teeth is not new. As far back as the ancient Egyptians and ancient Roman times, there has been an interest in shifting teeth into new positions.

In the 1700s and 1800s, horseshoe shape devices and wires were used to help move teeth into better alignment. In the early 1900s, dentists began rapping different materials such as wood, ivory, or even gold and would wrap them with bands that would help press the teeth into position.

Using stainless steel wires, the braces we are more familiar with today gained popularity in the 1970s.

Invisible braces and aligners started to become popular in the late 1990s, as well as clear retainers to help hold teeth properly in place after completing orthodontic treatment.

Orthodontists are dentists who, in addition to their dental school training, complete extra years of schooling, specifically in moving teeth and aligning jaws.

The average number of years that an orthodontist attends school is 11.

This extra education time gives them the knowledge and expertise to properly move teeth through bone and create pleasing and well-aligned smiles.

Dr. Wayne Hester and Dr. James Gregory Morris started their careers in south Georgia as dentists and then returned for further training to become orthodontists.

Dr. Hester has treated patients in south Georgia with braces for over 30 years. And Dr. Morris is South Georgia’s number one Invisalign specialist.

Both doctors have the education and experience necessary to give patients the best smile possible. Combining advanced techniques with individualized treatment plans, the doctors ensure each person achieves the beautifully healthy, confident smile they deserve!

Check out our other blog posts and social media during October for more tips and information about national orthodontic health.

Eating with braces!

August 31st, 2022

No more starburst? Goodbye popcorn and nuts?

If you recently got braces or you’re thinking about getting braces to help improve your smile, you’ve likely wondered about the foods you can or cannot eat with orthodontic braces.
While it’s true that some foods must be avoided when having braces, the good news is that many foods are considered Braces Friendly and can be enjoyed throughout your treatment. When you consider the result of having a beautiful confident smile, we believe that it’s worth temporarily giving up a few of those favorite foods!

Read more to learn what you can eat and drink with braces and a list of things to avoid.

Happy Braces Day!!!
When you first get your braces, it can be an adjustment that takes a few days to get used to. For some patients, you will likely have some sensitivity the first few days after your bonding appointment, and that’s why we recommend soft foods during this transition time.
Here are some great food options for the day you get braces and the first few days after:
Soft cheeses
soft tortillas
mashed potatoes
ice cream
But as you know, there are some foods we ask patients with braces to avoid. This is to help protect the brackets and wires from breakage. Any breakage or damage to your braces can result in extra appointments and delayed treatment progress; we know you don’t want that to happen!
Here is a list of foods we recommend you avoid during your braces treatment:
Gummy bears
hard candy
sticky candy such as jellybeans or taffy
hard pretzels
kettle cooked
raw crunchy vegetables
pizza crusts
A few other food tips for your smile success:
Try cutting sandwiches and any fruits and vegetables into small bite-size pieces.
Cut off your pizza crust before eating.
Avoid eating meat off the bone.
Beware of the super sugary drinks! Shakes, smoothies, and even ice cream are great alternatives for people with braces, just be sure to limit your consumption of these drinks and treats to cut down on plaque buildup. Brushing your teeth after drinking sodas and energy drinks is so very good for your teeth, but with braces, it is necessary!
A sweet surprise!
A common misconception of Braces is that people can’t eat candy at all. This is simply not true! We are happy to announce that sweet treats like peanut butter cups, Three Musketeers, Kit-Kat‘s, and chocolate bars without nuts are all A-OK!... Just don’t forget to brush!
Have more questions about caring for your braces? Our Hester and Morris website is full of resources about home care and how treatment works. And don’t hesitate to contact a Hester and Morris orthodontic team member with your questions or concerns. We’re here to help!

Back-to-school Recap 2022

August 22nd, 2022

[caption id="attachment_145" align="alignnone" width="200"] Pine Grove Students[/caption]

The shoes are new, and the pencils are sharpened; it’s time for back to school!

Of all the things that we at Hester Morris Orthodontics get to help within our community, it's being a Community Partner in Education that is incredibly close to our hearts.

We love supporting our schools and giving back with donations of time and supplies during the year. At the start of the school year, one of the ways that our team helps support our local schools is through the provision of drawstring bags and lanyards for our area middle schools. These bags are so helpful in holding gym clothes, and students love them!

The schools appreciate the lanyards as well, for they hold student IDs that many schools require. In addition to these donations, our team has also helped try to brighten the days of art returning teachers with donations of food and gift cards for raffles and contests and their schools. Who couldn’t use a gasoline gift card in 2022?!

We believe in being community minded and serving in the city we work and live in! Our patients matter to us. Therefore, we must invest in their schools.

The best way to do that is to give back to our schools. When we can provide our schools with supplies and bags for the students, we feel like we are making a difference in the community. We are thankful for the opportunity to partner with our schools, and we know that our staff and patients will also benefit from the partnership. We know our education system is essential to our city and our country, and we are glad to be a part of helping our community schools!

Schools make us smile -- What about you? What causes are important to you? Tell us in the comments below!

Getting Braces? What You Need To Know.

August 2nd, 2022

If you're thinking about getting braces, there are probably a lot of questions running through your mind...

Where will my teeth be adjusted?

Will my bite be corrected?

How long will the process take?

How much will it cost?

When it comes to getting braces, there are many things to consider.  Like, what kind of braces will you get? What will your orthodontist tell you about them? And, most importantly, are you sure you want to get them?

We're here to help answer all of those questions and more. We'll give you the low down on everything you need to know about getting braces.


What to expect?

First of all, Orthodontists are specialists in braces. They're the ones who perform the initial evaluation, planning, and treatment of braces. They also prescribe the braces and other gear, like retainers and elastic bands. Most orthodontists also provide the initial and ongoing care and maintenance of your braces and teeth. You will want to see an orthodontist for information and treatment planning for your smile.

We'll talk about your smile and address your concerns during this appointment at no cost to you. After taking X-rays and scans of your teeth, our doctors can determine what kind of braces you will most benefit from.

There are many types of braces. For example, traditional braces are metal brackets cemented to the tooth. The use of gentle force to cause movement over time. Braces have come a long way over the years and are no longer seen as the embarrassing rite of passage they once were.
In addition to metal braces, we also offer an option with clear top braces that help to minimize the look of braces.

The fastest-growing orthodontic option in recent years in our practice is Invisalign. Because Invisalign aligners are clear and virtually invisible, it not only looks great, but it is also an incredibly efficient way to get straight, straight teeth without bracing. It is a new, computer-based way to straighten your teeth. It is invisible, removable, and comfortable. Using advanced 3-D technology, Invisalign takes clear, personalized digital impressions of your teeth and uses those impressions to make custom-made aligners. The process is completely safe, comfortable, and discreet. Invisalign aligners are a clear, removable, and comfortable way to straighten your teeth. You wear them just like you would your regular teeth. During treatment, you wear them 22 hours each day. You can take them out to eat, brush your teeth, floss, and still have a beautiful smile.

How long will braces last?

The length of your treatment will depend on the treatment option your orthodontist recommends and the severity of the dental issues needing correction.
At Hester & Morris, the financial arrangements can be worked out once a treatment plan and length are determined. You can use dental insurance to help reduce the cost of treatment, but it is not at all required. Nor do you have to pay the entirety of your treatment fee at once. Our helpful Treatment Coordinators are experts at working numbers and payment plans to help make the investment as affordable as possible.
It's also helpful to have a dental checkup close to starting treatment so your dentist can check for any cavities or areas of concern that could delay getting your braces on. Pending dental work needs to be completed before starting orthodontics.

Will braces hurt?

Many people are concerned about the pain that may be involved with Invisalign or braces. While it varies from patient to patient, you can expect slight soreness the first two days after having braces on your teeth. It's OK to take an over-the-counter pain reliever to help with this discomfort. Eating softer foods will be helpful, too, until you get used to the feel of your new braces.

With Invisalign, discomfort can happen the first day of each new aligner, but if you keep them on your teeth and resist the temptation to remove them, it will soon get much better and more manageable.

Getting braces or Invisalign is a big deal. It is also a big commitment. It is often difficult to make financial and emotional investments, so we hope we have helped you know what to expect ahead!

Back to school… for your smile!

July 28th, 2022

Back to school… for your smile!

Advertisements are popping up everywhere, and school supplies are hitting the shelves. As you prepare your child to head back to school, you likely have a list of needed supplies from schools and teachers. But, did you know that if your child wears Invisalign or braces, they need to help their smiles head back to school?


5 things your child needs for heading back to school for their smile!


1. A travel-sized dental care kit


Most students won’t have time to brush their teeth after meals, so a small kit of home care items can be kept in a child’s backpack or locker.


For example, small toothbrush floss can help braces patients when food gets trapped underneath the wires of the races.


Invisalign patients can also benefit from a travel toothbrush to clean their aligners and ensure the food does not get trapped underneath them.


2. A “Christmas tree” or proxy brush


This tiny brush with a shape like a Christmas tree has soft bristles and is meant to go underneath the wire between the brackets for hard-to-reach cleaning.


 Parents can pick these up from our office, and many drugstores also have them.


3. Orthodontic Wax


Try wax for poking wires or brackets that irritate the gums.


This braces' classic can be handy in a pinch when braces are irritating the inside cheeks or gums, causing a mouth sore.


Also, if you have a loose wire, you can use wax to help stabilize it until you can come to see us for repair.


Be sure to ask us for extra wax next time you come to see us; school nurses will also occasionally have someone in stock.


4. A backup case for your Invisalign


So many parents fear that their child may accidentally throw away their Invisalign aligners during lunch at school.


Unfortunately, we’ve seen this all too often! As many lunchroom workers and teachers will tell you, digging aligners out of the trash is no fun. 


For this reason, we often recommend a backup case for school.


 It keeps the main Invisalign case safe and has less risk of losing, but your child will always have a place to put aligners at lunch. It does not have to be an official Invisalign trademark case; a simple retainer case will do. Some patients decorate the outside of their cases, making them cute and custom works of art. The lunchbox or backpack is an excellent place for this item.


5. A mouthguard, if your child plays sports! 


With that, the school season also brings fall sports.


Some contact sports, like football and soccer, pose the risk of injury to your teeth, so mouthguards are often recommended. 


If your child wears braces, they will need a specific type of mouthguard. We have these available in our office for you at no additional cost.


Bonus tips:


Be sure to talk with your child about their braces or Invisalign care at school. For example, some patients are self-conscious about taking out their Invisalign aligners to eat lunch. You can help them by talking about solutions that would work for them. You can also assure them that Invisalign treatment is more popular than ever before, so they likely will not be the only ones wearing Invisalign.


Be sure to grab great face photos for your back-to-school pics that can serve as timestamps of your child’s orthodontic treatment. You will love looking back over the school year and seeing how much their smile has improved!


What other tips can you suggest for orthodontic patients heading back to school? Leave us a comment and let us know.

The ALMOST-RIGHT person vs. the DEFINITELY-RIGHT person…

July 7th, 2022

The ALMOST-RIGHT person vs. the DEFINITELY-RIGHT person…

If you had a puppy that needed grooming, would you take it to a hair salon? 

Of course not!

 You'd take your prized pooch to the groomers, an expert in caring for your pet's hair.


The same is true for your child and their smile. 


Orthodontists are dental specialists who are experts in the movement of teeth and jaws and are trained to give your child the best smile, making them the definitely-right person for orthodontic needs.


Both Dr. Hester and Morris have had over 11 years of orthodontic schooling and are experts in the care of teeth and jaws. In addition, both have a passion for orthodontics and are dedicated to providing the best orthodontic care for patients.


 With over 55 years of combined orthodontic experience, Dr. Hester and Dr. Morris are truly South Georgia’s best orthodontists!


Our team is always ready to answer any questions you may have about orthodontic care for you or your child. Contact us today to schedule your consultation. We look forward to meeting you and your family!


Trust your child's smile to a definitely-right person… an orthodontist!

3 Tips for Better Invisalign Compliance

June 29th, 2022

5 Tips for Better Invisalign Compliance

Invisalign aligners are invisible braces that come custom fit to your teeth. The Invisalign system allows you to continuously wear your removable "braces" for about 22 hours a day, which is why many people choose Invisalign over traditional braces. However, it's important to remember to wear your Invisalign braces every day for the entire duration of your treatment to get the best results.

If you don't wear your Invisalign the recommended amount of time each day, you will not get the best results. Wearing your aligners for the recommended time is essential for your Invisalign treatment. When you miss an appointment or don't wear your aligners for a day, your treatment is affected. For example, if you don't wear your Invisalign for a week, your teeth will move back to where they were before, which will cause your next set of aligners not to fit correctly. You should wear your Invisalign continuously for 22 hours a day. This means that you should wear your Invisalign braces while awake and sleeping and remove them only for eating and drinking or brushing your teeth.

It can be hard to get used to wearing your Invisalign, so we asked our patients what tips they had. Here is what we learned.

1. Stop snacking! We don't recommend that you eat with your liners in, as this can cause breakage and allow bacteria to form underneath your aligners. Water is OK, but we recommend taking your aligners out before enjoying other liquids. This sometimes means that people who snack a lot are constantly taking their aligners in and out. While occasionally, this is not a problem, all-day grazing can mean that you're not really wearing your aligners for as long as you think you are. For example, if you're taking your aligners out every two hours, you're not getting the optimal wear that comes from consistent use, which means you won't get optimal movement. Try to limit your snacking to specific times a day to have longer wear time in between meals and snacks.

2. Set Reminders. Some of our patients mentioned that it was beneficial for them at first to set a few reminders during today the day to hold them accountable for their aligner wear. Sometimes we forget to put aligners in after meals, but setting a reminder can help. Pretty soon, it will become a habit, we promise!

3. Take advantage of the DM App. Hester Morris Orthodontics is proud to offer weekly check-ins with our patients through the Dental Monitoring app on your smartphone. This is the additional way between appointments for us to check your consistency and alert you of any issues we see along the way. In addition, through the DM app, our team offers feedback on your progress which can be very helpful for compliance.

4. Use your chewies. Chewies are those little squishy packets that come with your initial Invisalign box and are used to help make sure that your aligners are seating correctly on your teeth. At the start of each new aligner, we recommend that you use chewies a few times during the day. The better your aligners fit, the more movement can be made. Some of our patients feel like it's chewing gum. You can do it easily while reading or watching TV. Be sure to check out our YouTube channel for videos about chewies.

5. Keep your case with you... And get a backup! It can be hard to take your aligners in and out for meals when you're out and about, especially if you don't have a place to put them. So resist the urge to temporarily place your aligners in a napkin, which often leads to accidentally throwing your aligners away. Instead, we usually recommend having an aligner case for the house and an aligner case that stays with you on the go.

Invisalign is a great way to achieve the smile you've always wanted, but it won't work if you don't wear it the right way.

We hope these simple tips will help you stay motivated and remember that the result will be worth it... Your beautiful smile!

Which one of these tips would work best for you?

If you're interested in Invisalign treatment, we're here to help! So please send us a message, and let's get started.

[caption id="attachment_12" align="alignnone" width="200"]Local orthodontists in Valdosta, GA standing outside of their location. Dr. J Gregory Morris and Dr. Wayne Hester are here to help you live life smiling![/caption]

3 Reasons to Love Your Smile With Dental Monitoring

June 21st, 2022

Are you or your child looking to start treatment with Invisalign but finding it hard to say yes because of a busy schedule? Then, you’re in the right place – because we have a solution for you! Dental Monitoring is one of the latest technological advances in the Orthodontic field. Hester and Morris Orthodontics have used DM with our patients for over two years.

So what is Dental Monitoring?

Dental Monitoring is an app on your smartphone that we use to help check your Invisalign progress remotely. The patient simply takes a quick weekly scan using their cell phone camera and uploads it to the app. Then that scan is examined with a combination of AI technology and a Hester and Morris team member for correct aligner wear. If everything looks good, our team will follow up with you, letting you know that you’re ready to proceed with the next aligner.

Here are three reasons why our patients love Dental Monitoring:

1. Continual support from the Hester and Morris team.

Our Invisalign patients love hearing weekly updates from the office on their treatment. When you’re new to Invisalign, you want to ensure that you’re doing everything correctly, so having this weekly feedback assures the patient. It also makes communication to our office very convenient. All you have to do is message us through the app!

2. Convenience and flexibility.

We get it – people are busy! But, the great thing about Dental Monitoring for your Invisalign treatment is that you can be successful even with life on the go. Weekly scans can be done anywhere since most people always have their smartphones with them. Going on vacation? You don’t have to worry about missing an appointment or having to reschedule because you can capture your weekly scan at the moment that makes the most sense for you. Have a question about treatment? A quick message through the app, and our team is happy to help!

3. It teaches responsibility and accountability.

Do you have a teen in Invisalign? Not a problem! A great thing about the Dental Monitoring app is that it allows your teen to take more ownership of their aligner wear. Parents can be assured that we are checking behind their teens weekly, not only on the amount of time that the aligner is worn, but we’re also pointing out any problems that we see along the way. We can even communicate with you about wearing elastics and even check up on their oral hygiene. The overall results are successful treatment and time efficiency!

Sometimes people wonder if Dental Monitoring replaces in-office visits? At Hester Morris Orthodontics, we see Dental Monitoring as an additional way to provide the most inclusive patient care. But, of course, you still come into the office for visits, though not as often, because Invisalign treatment takes much less time than patients who have braces. But our patients are never on their own with her treatment, and we are here every step of the way!

If you’ve been thinking about starting treatment with Invisalign, but a busy life has been getting in the way – let us help you get started on that journey to a new smile! So give us a call today or click the link to schedule your consultation appointment and speak with our staff about how easy it can be to get the smile you’ve always wanted.

[caption id="attachment_80" align="alignnone" width="200"] Dental Monitoring is a tool we use to give our patients the best experience possible![/caption]


Is your smile summer ready?

May 24th, 2022

It’s selfie season!

Beach trips, vacations, family events, holidays, graduations, and weddings.

There are so many fun events you’ll be journeying to over the next few months, and it’s probably got you thinking about your smile…picture after picture being taken.

You’re just a few steps away from starting your journey to a perfect smile.

Here are 3 steps to help you get started:

  1. Call us!  Even though orthodontists are specialists in the dental field, you do not need a referral from your general dentist to schedule your first consultation with an orthodontic office.  Most of our new patients find us by word of mouth or social media.  So if you’re interested in an orthodontic consultation, all you have to do is call our office to schedule your first visit.
  1. Do a bit of research.  Our practice offers two ways to get our patients to their perfect smiles.  Invisalign and braces.    Braces are a more traditional route and what most people think of when you say “orthodontics”.  But do you know that Invisalign is quickly becoming the #1 choice of teens and adults when they go into orthodontic treatment?  Search around online and see what people are saying about Invisalign.  Our website also has some great content on Invisalign as well.
  1. Prepared to be amazed.  Our practice uses the most current digital scanning technology in orthodontics. This digital technology will create a simulated version of your teeth of how they will look at the end of treatment.  So even though your orthodontic treatment may take up to two years to complete, you’ll get a preview of the end results at your first visit!  It’s so motivating to see the changes that can be made with orthodontic treatment.


It really is exciting to start on a new journey and see the small changes in your smile week to week as you progress through your orthodontic treatment.  Yes, it takes time to get to the end, but it will be so worth it!  Ready to get started? We’re ready if you are…

How To Avoid The Summer Slump W/ Your Invisalign Treatment

May 17th, 2022

Finish strong!!!

Summer is coming, and with that is the opportunity to relax and let things slide a bit. Just make sure that when it comes to your smile, you don’t slack on those treatment goals! Here are a few ways to avoid the summer slump!
• Keep your scheduled appointments to keep your treatment time on track! For every missed or rescheduled appointment, you are delaying your completion date. Miss a few appointments, and you can soon find yourself several weeks and even months behind in your estimated treatment time!
• Stay consistent with your aligners and elastic wear! Set reminders if you have to!! Getting out of that school day routine can mean you're at home more and not always wearing your aligners or elastic bands for their recommended time each day.
• Sending us those weekly check-ins are SO important to your overall Invisalign success. We provide support when you need it… That’s why we’re here! In the event that we see something to be concerned about, we will let you know right away and try to prevent a problem from developing. Read more about our digital appointments here!

What are your tips for staying on track this Summer?

Your smile day is coming! It will be worth it in the end. So meanwhile... Stay Summer strong!

PC: Ava Rothrock courtesy of mom and Captured by Colson Photography.

Welcome to the H&M blog: Start here!

April 20th, 2022

Hello! Thanks for checking in with us on the blog!

Our goal is to provide information about our office and the treatments we offer. We will occasionally throw in posts containing tips and hacks for treatment success as well as fun stuff from the life of the H&M doctors and team.

Here's a little about us:

With a long-standing presence in our community for nearly 30 years, Hester and Morris Orthodontics have established a reputation for creating beautiful smiles and making things fun! Dr. Wayne Hester and Dr. Greg Morris, along with their team pride themselves in their work, knowing it’s more than “just braces” rather, they are helping their patients achieve a greater sense of self-confidence. The desire to see patients “Live Life Smiling” goes beyond great patient care, but also into many areas of the community. And one of the most rewarding areas that the team gives back is through being a Community Partner in Education. As partners with both local school systems, as well as with schools in surrounding counties, Hester and Morris Orthodontics passionately invest their time and resources into seeing students succeed.

Be sure to stay up to date with going on in the office by following us on our social media platforms. You can find us on:

  • Facebook
  • Twitter
  • Instagram
  • Youtube
  • Pinterest
  • And even TikTok!!

We hope that you will also check back here often during your Invisalign aligner or braces treatment and stay connected with us! We would love to hear from you, too!

orthodontic team smiles for the camera

Why Orthodontics Is A Game Changer

April 19th, 2022

Local orthodontists in Valdosta, GA standing outside of their location.

You’ve probably noticed that people who have great smiles often seem to be happier than those who don’t. But what you might not realize is that orthodontics can do even more than that – it can improve your life in ways you might not even realize. For example, orthodontics can improve your self-confidence, which can have a positive impact on your relationships and your career. It can also improve your oral health, which has far-reaching health implications.
Perhaps the biggest benefit of orthodontics, though, is that it makes getting that beautiful smile much easier than it used to be. Invisalign is one of the most common forms of orthodontics, and it uses clear plastic aligners to help you straighten your teeth without any metal wires or brackets. Invisalign is a great option for people who want to get straight teeth but don’t want to wear metal braces every day. It’s also a great option for keeping your oral health in great condition because patients take aligners in and out for brushing and flossing. Parents of children also are choosing Invisalign because it means fewer trips to the orthodontist and no need for emergency visits, like so many of our patients with braces.
Our practice is fortunate to have one of the leading Invisalign providers in the state of Georgia, Dr. Greg Morris! In fact, Dr. Morris is the most experienced orthodontist in all of South Georgia when it comes to treating kids, teens, and adults with Invisalign. Of course, whether Invisalign or braces are recommended for you or your child, you can be assured that they will receive the highest quality of care with the most dedicated team. We look forward to helping you achieve the smile of your dreams!

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